Beginner Oil Painting

Date : March 3, 2025 - April 7, 2025
Time: Every Mon 6:30pm - 9:30pm
Spaces Available: 10/10

$ 195

Instructor: Janet Enfield

Ages 14 – Adult

Beginning with the absolute basics; composition, positioning, perspective and color use. Discover how to create solid three dimensional shapes on a two dimensional support with the use of values. The first project will be fruit on a table; this is a piece that is successful at any experience level and gives a strong base for future works.

Snow, rocks and an old post are the subjects tackled next. Snow is a beautiful way to discover how to successfully work with white. You just can’t go wrong with rocks to discover how to create shape and texture. What’s more fun than old dry wood? When completed this is a spectacular piece that you will be proud to display.

Next students will be working on one of Janet’s favorite subjects; sunflowers, as most people enjoy looking at the cheerful faces of these garden classics. Create a simple marbled background that will be useful in many other works in your future. You will find that there is a personality to the sunflower pictures that adds to the final feeling of the piece.

Oil Supply List

The Centre has oil painting kits available for $190.00

Refund Policy


